Jumat, 08 April 2011

7 Secrets Reaches 100 Years of Age

Having a long life was the hope of every person. However, hope is only a hope, if not accompanied with the business. According to a study conducted in Denmark, we can live for 100 years or 20 years longer than the average human life today.

"What prevents us from all this is a bad habit," said Walter Bortz II, MD, Professor of medicine from Stanford University.

To be able to penetrate the age of 100, we must focus on positive activities undertaken, such as eating fruits and vegetables that add to the age of five years, exercising five times a week add 2 to 4 years, and no stress can add to 6 years in our age.

So, what else such longevity secret that has been cited by Yahoo! Shine.

1. Doing hobbies

By doing a hobby, you can increase your longevity as much as 2 years. hobby may reduce stress and makes the heart happy.

2. Take advantage of free time

Having a little spare time can increase the risk of heart disease eight times. Therefore, take advantage of your free time as possible to do the things you love. This also can give one to two years of longevity.

3. Sleep

Get used to sleep 7-8 hours every day to improve your body's cells are damaged so that you too can live two years longer.

4. Sex

Having sex with a partner can make you live three to five years longer because of sex to relieve stress and create feelings of pleasure caused by the hormone oxytocin. By doing this activity, you also burn 200 calories.

5. Doing yoga

Recent research has found that yoga can improve alertness, and helps your diet.

6. Drinking green tea

Tea is rich in antioxidants that help the body fight all kinds of diseases.

7. Refine your brainpower

According to research conducted by The Mind Research Network in Mexico, playing online games, like Tetris for 30 minutes of his day can help the brain work more optimally.

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