Jumat, 08 April 2011

Potbellied men Natural Risk Blindness

Latest STUDY find that accumulate fat in the abdomen in middle age can significantly increase the risk of blindness in the future.

It was concluded by researchers at the University of Melbourne who said that the growing waistline can make someone a natural risk of macular degeneration (AMD), according to the Daily Mail reported on Friday (1 / 4). Macular degeneration is a condition where the macula suffered a setback that resulted in decreased visual acuity and is likely to cause loss of central vision function. In fact, slight increases waist size also appears to increase the risk of AMD by 75 percent.

However, women apparently are not affected by this. The difference between the sexes was due to the presence of estrogen in women.

Fat in the stomach releases estrogen into the body. Based on the results of animal studies, this hormone can cause inflammation of the blood flow in the back of the eye.

Because women have higher estrogen levels so this effect is not too affected.

The researchers have monitored changes in waist circumference of about 21 thousand men and women aged between 40 and 69 years for several years and track the diagnosis of AMD. "There is evidence that chronic inflammation in the eye can menyebbakan AMD. Obesity is suspected merupalan triggers inflammation," said the scientists.

The results showed that even small changes in waist men can cause a sharp increase in the risk of inflammation.

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