Selasa, 26 April 2011

Easy ways to Burn Calories

Do not have to burn calories only sport. Body will burn calories when kissing or sleeping. Well here 15 other activities that can burn calories, quoted from the book The 17 Day Diet: A Doctor Plan Designed for Rapid Results by Dr. Mike Moreno:

1. Walking quickly when carrying dirty clothes to the laundry or groceries can burn about 120 calories in 30 minutes.

2. Research has shown that anxiety, such as restless legs syndrome can be reduced to 800 calories per day.

3. Doing the missionary position during sex can erode 4.5 calories per minute.

4. Every minute you climb the stairs can burn 7 calories.

5. Climb the stairs two at a time to burn calories even 55 percent more than one step.

6. Give your partner a massage. Massaged for 1 hour to burn 230 calories.

7. One hour having sex with a passion to burn 270 calories.

8. You can burn about an extra 100 calories a day extra if you took a walk around the office to meet with your colleagues

9. Every minute you kiss someone, it will burn 1 calorie.

10. Do not order food. Cook at home. Spend time to cook can burn about 150 calories.

11. You will burn up 200 calories when sleeping around 7 hours.

12. Dancing will burn 200 calories more per hour, depending on the type of dance.

13. Play the hula hoop. Only in 10 minutes, you can burn 44 calories. Plus, your abdominal muscles will begin to form while doing it.

14. Playing jump rope will do. Fifteen minutes of jumping rope burns 170 calories.

15. Playing with your children, such as the swing can burn 222 calories for 30 minutes.

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