Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Women's Career and 'naughty' So Idol Men

Male views about women's changing. Previously they were interested in the shy woman who would become housewives. But now men are more interested in a career woman. In addition they also like the kind of wanton woman.

Based on the survey conducted by an international gaming company Electronic Arts, in this modern era of man to see that ideal woman who can make a living and have a high position in his work.

Experts say this not just because of gender roles changing, but also because of economic hardship that a man can take a more traditional view, women and careers.

Based on news reported by themedguru, about 66 percent of British men's lust with women who have power in his work. This number increased to 71 percent between the age of 30 years to 34 years.

The poll also found that 18 percent of men looking for a fun partner, 14 percent want an independent woman who can stand alone, 9 percent liked the spontaneity, while about 35 percent of men surveyed said they think the so-called bad girls of Hollywood like Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox, Christina Aguilera, Sienna Miller, and Paris Hilton.

Commenting on the findings, Jo Barnett, an expert in relationship, said the problem ekonomilah that changed the view of men. "Financial matters more difficult than ever, and men who previously feared the power of a strong successful woman, has now changed," he explained.

"Someone who is financially independent is a very attractive option. In addition, the media currently sells power, women executives as a very sexy picture."

Meanwhile, Stuart Lang, director of marketing for The Sims Medieval, said the finding is interesting by looking at changes in the ratio of men interested in women with high power and the type of bad girl who is more dominant.

"This shows the position of women who thrive in society and their development is strong," he said.

Not only men who are interested in self-reliance and hard working. Women also have the same view. Women today are interested in an ambitious man. More than 60 percent of women said men in top positions are more likely to attract their attention than others.

According to researchers, women prefer men with a rich and successful because they are difficult to tame and bring more excitement. While male lust with a hard-working women because they can earn a living.

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