Jumat, 08 April 2011

Those Most at Risk Deaf

YOU are feeling healthy and normal can also lose hearing at a young age.

The reduced ability of the listener senses common in the elderly person. But not a few who experienced it at a young age. Coupled with the habit of wearing a headset and listen to loud music, more and more young people and adults who experience hearing problems.

Generally, hearing loss is caused by health problems and also because of exposure to extreme sound like that happen in someone who worked in the engine so that every time I had heard a loud noise and strong vibration from the engine, or someone who is accustomed to listening to loud music like that done a lot of young people. But is it only these two factors?

A study analyzing the research results obtained from 3285 people aged between 21 to 84 years to evaluate who is most at risk for hearing loss. Tests conducted by the method of testing hearing medically and also the extent to which participants can recognize words spoken with different sound levels by a female voice and male voice. The study also considers the complete data about medical history, behavioral and environmental factors of each participant.

As a result, they are more at risk of hearing damage are the men, especially those who have low education levels, who work in noisy places and those who had undergone ear surgery. In the study per group, the average loss is 14.1 percent weaker on average and recognition of words in a quiet atmosphere is 89.6 percent, whereas if there are two voices that speak the ability to recognize words fell to 63.5 percent.

From this research are also known, those who suffer from cardiovascular disease and taking statins to overcome the disease that was also experiencing problems in the recognition of words they hear. In addition, hereditary factors also contribute in one's hearing ability.

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